Format Vietnam cooperates with the Association of Dishwashers and Utilities to organize MINIGAME: Master of Dishwashing
Stay at home to avoid the epidemic, eat 3 meals a day, everyone becomes a master at washing dishes! With FAGOR “Good reply – Receive gifts now”, get 1 Dishwasher – hands-free enjoy!
1 Special Prize: 1 FAGOR 3LVF-61S independent dishwasher worth VND17,590,000: for a valid entry with the closest lucky number to the last 2 numbers of the Northern Lottery special prize on September 13. 2021
There are also prizes every week for lucky members as follows:
Each prize includes 1 box of Finish dishwasher tablets + 1 Fagor dishwasher voucher with 50% discount
Week 1: 3 Quick Master Prizes for the first 3 valid entries – Announced on August 28, 2021
Week 2: 3 Trending Master Prizes – for the entries with the most likes/comments in weeks 1 and 2 (up to the end of September 5) – Announced on September 6, 2021
Week 3: 3 Wordplay Master Prizes for the best couplets voted by the jury – Announced on September 13, 2021
Note: Each person can only win 1 prize per week. The winner of the weekly prize still has a chance to win the grand prize!
How to join is very simple
Join the group and comment on the contest at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1830809520504047/announcements
Step : Choose the dish arrangement style closest to you among the 4 styles of #fagorkitchenism: #FAGORBacthaySangTao, #FAGORTayBepDieuListen, #FAGORTinDoToiGian #FAGORSuGiaHoanMy
Step : Participating in the answer to the question “The master shoots – ………….”
Step : Comment your lucky number from 01-99
Hurry up to post to receive attractive gifts!
Minigame participation time: From August 21, 2021 to the end of September 12, 2021
Important! The account which won the prize is the official facebook account, with friends interaction. Provide valid documents when winning.
A valid exam is one with content that meets the requirements of the contest
The contest results will be announced no later than 1 week from the end of the contest. All complaints will not be considered 3 days after the announcement of the results.
All vouchers are valid for 1 month from the date of issue
The decision of BTC is final
#Fagor #FagorCaoThuRuaChen #FagorKitchenism